Livros TwoCan
Livros TwoCan, also known as TwoCan Press, is a boutique publishing house. Founded in 1992 in the heart of paradisiacal São Conrado, Rio de Janeiro, situated under the mysterical face of Pedra da Gávea, TwoCan is the publisher and worldwide distributor of the best-selling book How to Be a Carioca, as well as a number of other literary works, including Sabor & Saber: O Gourmet Moderno, by Luiz Barbosa.
We have edited a myriad of manuscripts, such as Trading Day by Day: Winning the Zero-Sum Game of Futures by F.H. “Chick” Goslin (California Publishing); 210 Dias e Algumas Horas by Dr. Pangloss (pseudonym), unpublished; and the following works by Cynthia Newby Luce: São José Chronicles: The Trouble with Enchantment, São José Chronicles: Young Lovers Revisited, Tree Codes, and The Last of the Cowboys.
For inquiries regarding special How to Be a Carioca book orders or editions for corporate events, conferences, seminars, relocation services or groups, please contact us directly.
TwoCan does not have physical offices. Our team works remotely around Brazil and the USA, operating on the Cloud.
Company registered office address. (This is not a correspondence address.)
Livros TwoCan Ltda.
Estrada da Gávea, 523 – Travessa Liberdade 26
Gávea – Rio de Janeiro, RJ, Brasil
CEP 22451-262
Company legal registration:
CNPJ: 68.580.042/0001-82
Inscrição Estadual: 84.685.003
Inscrição Municipal: Isenta